Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening, understanding, and agreeing, and then again for repeating.
This prayer is recommended first of all as a standalone prayer, to repent of ignorant involvement in situations where witchcraft may have been conducted over food of any kind, or where witchcraft agendas were mixed into social or business gatherings involving any kind of food or drink. The wording of the prayer may be adapted to cover households with children who are still under the authority of their parents.
It is a horrifying fact of reality that a great many hidden witchcraft agendas are actively exercised over food and drink, whether at the source of production, or at the point of being purchased or consumed. There have been innumerable testimonies concerning situations where food and social contexts were being used by hidden evil powers to influence and affect those partaking, whether or not they were aware of anything foul taking place. We must be on guard, vigilant, and pre-emptive in our fight against all such hidden sources of spiritual contamination, defilement, and potential destruction.
The central concepts of the prayer (i.e., repenting of ignorant involvement in witchcraft; breaking curses over all food; praying for protective covering in any situation involving persons outside the home and family) ought to be included in daily warfare covering prayers.
This prayer covers:
Bringing all past food and social contexts before the Lord
Asking forgiveness for ignorant involvements in hidden agendas
Forgiving those who have used witchcraft
Severing and releasing all ties and all salt covenants
Canceling evil words and rituals
Nullifying blood sacrifices by the Blood of Jesus
Wielding the sword of the Holy Spirit against the weapons and
effects of enemy warfare
Canceling all traps and evil timing in the spirit realm
Glorifying the Father through His Almighty Son
Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org
Text source:
Prayer for Breaking of Salt Covenants, p.17
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
MAJOR WARFARE Part 3: Fighting for the Life of a City
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening, understanding, and agreeing, and then again for repeating. (WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE SOUND DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE FIRST AND SECOND RECORDINGS.)
WARNING: This prayer is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR INDIVIDUALS who are praying alone and unsupported. This prayer is appropriate for any community or congregation of believers where the leaders have had some experience in intercession and spiritual warfare — and who unwaveringly understand and know the authority of Jesus Christ and his Body.
It is of paramount importance that the members of the congregation, church, prayer group, etc., be able to uphold each other daily in prayer, because prayers of this sort will provoke a backlash from the enemy.
We recommend the concurrent and regular use of the prayers available through this podcast and website which pertain to protection from the weapons and backlash of the kingdom of darkness.
This prayer covers:
Declaring Who God Is, and His sovereignty
Magnifying the will and purposes of God
Inviting the Holy Spirit to work in power
Opening the gates to the presence of the Lord
Submission to God
Invoking and applying the Blood of Jesus
Rebuking, resisting, and frustrating the enemy
Exalting the Name of God
Declaring the complete victory of Jesus Christ
Overthrowing the chariots of the enemy
Crying out for the water and fire of the Word and Spirit
Proclaiming the Lord’s day of vengeance
Asking for the release of warring and ministering angels
Honoring and giving glory to Jesus
Glorifying the Father through His Almighty Son
Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org
Text source:
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Prayer to Remit the Sin of the Shedding of Innocent Blood over the Land
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating.
WARNING: This prayer MUST NOT be prayed over any land or property where the persons praying DO NOT HAVE any legitimate authority or invested spiritual rights. It is both foolish and dangerous to wage spiritual warfare unless the Lord has indicated AND CONFIRMED the mandate to do so.
This prayer SHOULD be prayed over every place of residence, but may also be prayed over any property where the persons praying have any real, vested presence and involvement.
It is especially recommended to pray this prayer if there has been any dark or malevolent spiritual activity (e.g., recurring nightmares; poltergeist manifestation; frequent accidents; sudden strong incursions of witchcraft; etc.) which has not been broken and dispelled by cleansing the home or property at the surface level.
Deliverance minister William Schnoebelen writes, “The owner or renter of the property should stand on the property (ideally assisted by a pastor or minister of the gospel, or a veteran prayer warrior) and prayerfully declare this”.
This prayer covers:
Speaking the Word of God to establish the prayer context
Following the biblical model of applying the blood of sacrifice
Acknowledging and declaring the power of the Blood of Jesus
Asking the Father to administer the Blood of the Lamb
Recognizing the cleansing work of Jesus’ blood
Commanding out all evil spirits whose rights have been removed
Asking for the installment of angelic guardians
Forbidding further incursions of the kingdom of darkness
Agreeing to all points, in unity in Jesus Christ
Author: William Schnoebelen www.withoneaccord.org
Text source: Prayer to Remit the Sin of the Shedding of Innocent Blood over the Land
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
This episode features chapters 1 - 4 of PROTECTION FROM DECEPTION, written by Derek Prince (1915-2003). Derek Prince is justifiably considered by many to have been one of the most influential and exemplary establishers of deliverance ministry in the 20th century. Derek Prince has been particularly unique in the field of deliverance ministry, in that he brought together a sturdy and measured scholarship, sober scriptural study, and a strong anointing into his teachings.
We highly recommend all of Derek Prince’s video, audio, and written materials, many of which are available in several languages. You will find hundreds of free video teachings at https://m.youtube.com/user/DerekPrinceMinistry/videos . Additional free resources are featured at the website of Derek Prince Ministries, www.derekprince.org .
Derek’s own complete three-part presentation of PROTECTION FROM DECEPTION, with accompanying transcripts, is available through this link: https://www.derekprince.org/Groups/1000065032/DPM_USA/Archive_of_UK/Keys/Protection_from_Deception/Protection_from_Deception.aspx
The following issues and questions are addressed in this instructive episode:
Are miraculous — or otherwise supernatural — events and experiences of God, or of the devil?
How can we tell the difference between what is of God, and what is not?
What help can scripture give us, that we may discern between God’s truth and the devil’s deceptions?
The importance of confession of sins, and true repentance
Five examples of supernaturally-charged ministries that fell into serious error
Five ways the Holy Spirit validates His genuine presence and work (i.e., five fruits of the Holy Spirit)
Who is the Holy Spirit? What kind of person is He?
How does He relate to the Father and the Son...and to us?
How does the Holy Spirit work within both individual believers, and the Church?
What are the differences between the true Holy Spirit of God, and counterfeit spirits?
What role can we hope — and expect — the Holy Spirit to play in our lives?
What are the consequences of ignoring or discounting the Holy Spirit?
Author: Derek Prince Ministries www.derekprince.org
(as collated from previously unpublished material by Derek Prince)
Text source:
Protection from Deception (Introduction - Ch.4)
Published 2008 Derek Prince Ministries Int’l
Whitaker House, New Kensington, PA
PROTECTION FROM DECEPTION may be ordered for purchase at www.Christianbook.com: https://www.christianbook.com/protection-from-deception-derek-prince/9780883682302/pd/368230?product_redirect=1&Ntt=368230&item_code=&Ntk=keywords&event=ESRCP
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
HEALING AND DELIVERANCE: When Intimacy is Blocked by Memories of Abuse
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating.
Past sexual abuse of any kind creates tremendous long-term disruptions, not the least of which may be a painful inability to be truly intimate with one’s spouse.
Pastor Ivory Hopkins writes, “In the spirit, I have found demons operating through and behind rape and incest, causing generational and life-changing damage to both the victim and the perpetrator.”
He notes, furthermore, that even as faithful and Holy Spirit-led prayer is absolutely necessary to break the power of the kingdom of darkness and bring release from the bondage of past evils, a vital role is also played by spiritual and professional counseling in the healing process.
This prayer is very straightforward, simple, and clear: a cry to our Father for the deep healing and restoration that only HE can provide.
Author: Pastor Ivory Hopkins http://pilgrimsministry.org
**We highly recommend the books, manuals, CDs, and DVDs available through Pastor Hopkins’ online store.
Text Source:
(adapted from) Deliverance from Spirits of Sexual Abuse
*As published in OMEGAMAN Magazine, Issue #5, p.27:
available as a free PDF download at www.omegamanradio.com
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Prayer Petition for Intercessors: Asking for the Gift of Discerning of Spirits
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating.
This prayer is for the purpose of all who are seeking a fuller measure of the Gift of Discernment.
This prayer covers:
Thanks, praise, and honor to God
Asking the Father to send the Holy Spirit
Asking for the Gift of Discerning of Spirits
Acknowledging God’s fatherhood over all
Acknowledging God as the giver of all wisdom
Asking for divine discernment of the enemy’s weapons,
plans, and timing
Asking for preparation and warning, from the Holy Spirit
Asking for an indwelling of His Light, Truth, and Love
Authors: Dr. William & Mary Schnoebelen
With One Accord Ministries
Text source: adapted from “Prayer for Discernment”
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Prayer Petition for Parents: Asking for the Gift of Discernment
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for listening and repeating only.
This prayer is specifically for the purpose of parents who are seeking God’s wisdom, guidance, and protection over the life of their child.
This prayer covers:
Thanks, praise, and honor to God
Asking the Father to send the Holy Spirit
Asking for the Gift of Discerning of Spirits
Acknowledging God’s fatherhood over all
Acknowledging God as the giver of all wisdom
Asking for divine discernment of the enemy’s weapons,
plans, and timing
Asking for preparation and warning, from the Holy Spirit
Asking for an indwelling of His Light, Truth, and Love
Authors: Dr. William & Mary Schnoebelen
With One Accord Ministries
Text source: Prayer for Discernment
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
SELECTED READINGS Part 5: Witchcraft and Spiritual Death, by Scott E. Hensler
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
This episode features the second chapter (“Is There a Witchdoctor in the House?”) of HOODOO VOODOO, a deliverance overview and application manual written by Scott E. Hensler, a veteran of deliverance ministry.
The ground covered here includes the basics concerning the general names and forms of divination and witchcraft, as well as the unequivocal position of the Word of God on these matters.
The following items are addressed in this instructive episode:
Defining “divination” and “witchcraft”
Identifying and understanding what the Bible says about these things
Naming popular and widespread forms of witchcraft
Describing the deception of “good” witchcraft
Why good intentions cannot excuse the use of witchcraft
Identifying unexpected or unseen types of witchcraft
Understanding the dire consequences of all witchcraft
Understanding what it means to “test the spirits”
Explaining how the Old Testament law is relevant now
Understanding “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit”
Shamans, witchdoctors, and voodooists
The growing witchcraft infection of society
Exhortation to fight the good fight
Dependence upon God for any and every victory
Author: Scott E. Hensler www.scotthensler.org
Text source: HooDoo VooDoo
*used by permission
HooDoo VooDoo First Edition -1.0 Spirit Realm Series -Volume IV By Scott E. Hensler Scott Hensler Network Ministries Copyright © 2014 Scott Hensler Network Ministries ISBN: 978-0-578-15132-8 All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted by any means without written permission from Scott Hensler Network Ministries. Published in US by Conceived Innovations
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, first for listening, agreeing, and repeating.
This prayer is appropriate for — and recommended for — individuals, families, or any community or congregation of believers.
In this time of ever-increasing deception and seduction, we need the Lord to do what only HE can do: protect us, with the Light of Truth which is Jesus Christ, the Word of God, by the working of the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 14:32 tells us, “The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.”
While there are many deliberate deceivers in the world, a false prophet is not necessarily someone who intends to deceive — nevertheless, an untruth is given while being described as coming from God. Deceptive words may be great, or they may be small; they may be delivered to an individual, or to a prayer meeting, or to a global audience.
In any case, every “word from the Lord” must be tested against scripture and against the witness of the Holy Spirit.
And we must EXPECT deception. We must be on guard against it, because no matter who you are or where you are in the Body of Jesus Christ, the devil is going to come against you with lies, misdirections, and deliberate error.
It is incumbent upon us therefore, if we are intelligent believers, not only to repent for receiving and believing lies in the past, but to pray in advance of all coming deceptions.
This prayer covers:
Declaring Who God Is, and His sovereignty
Drawing humbly before the throne of grace
Acknowledging our complete dependence upon God
Recognizing and honoring the Blood of Jesus Christ
Repentance for sins that opened the way for deceptions
Repentance for accepting, receiving, and believing false prophecies and false prophets, without testing the spirits
Repentance for the extended effects and consequences
Repentance for despising the true prophetic word
Repentance for spiritually “killing” true prophets
Repentance for putting money in the coffers of false prophets
Repentance for curses that followed upon these transgressions
Renouncing all lies, rebellion, and stubbornness
Renouncing and rejecting the deceiving powers of darkness
Negating the assignments of deceptive entities
Asking God for forgiveness and cleansing
Asking God to change curses into blessings
Asking God for deliverance from our enemies
Asking God to sever between false prophets and the Church
Asking God to cut off and destroy all fountains of deception, and all of their evil works
Binding and removing the devil’s gatekeepers
Asking for angelic gatekeepers
Asking for restoration and establishment of Holy Spirit power and anointing
Asking for fullness of the prophetic gifts
Asking for confirmation of all delivered words
Asking for protection from spirits of divination
Asking for angelic support and defense
Giving honor, praise, and glory to God
Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org
Text source:
Wednesday May 23, 2018
DELIVERANCE FOCUS: Leading a Child in Deliverance Prayer
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and understanding, then again for leading a child.
The prayer recorded here is for leading a young child in taking part in his or her own deliverance. Have no doubt: even children are well able to exercise authority over demons, in the name of Jesus, provided they have at least one parent who is washed in the Blood of the Lamb and who will guide their child in this matter. The child being so led must be old enough to have at least a rudimentary understanding of the situation: which is, “I know I have been doing some wrong things. Jesus is going to help me get the bad things out of me”.
Please first review the prayer text below, and the listening version of the prayer, so that you may be ready to lead your child smoothly and confidently.
For a better understanding of ministering to youths, we recommend the excellent book series by Bill Banks.
If you find that deliverance for the child is not forthcoming, we recommend that each parent download and pray in sincerity all pertinent prayers of repentance and curse-breaking.
In the meantime, parents should regularly (at least once or twice daily) pray additional deliverance prayers over their child, whether or not they are present, asleep, or awake. Please carefully choose the relevant prayers in the Full List of Available Prayers (click on the link at the top of this page).
Author and text source:
Deliverance for Children & Teens, by Bill Banks (p.142)
Published 2008, Impact Christian Books
Prayer text:
Lord Jesus,
I am sorry
for all the bad things
I have done.
Please forgive me.
I love you,
I belong to you,
and I want to live for you.
I forgive everybody
who has hurt me,
made me mad,
or made me cry.
I forgive my mother and my father
for anything they did
that upset me.
Now, I ask you
to make the things
that cause me to do wrong things
to get out of me.
In Jesus’ name, amen.