
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating.
This very short but very powerful prayer must constitute an essential component of our corporate spiritual warfare in this end-time hour. We recommend that you pray this prayer (or its equivalent) at least once a week, along with your (at least) weekly prayers for local and world leaders.
If you are praying this prayer alone, we suggest that you preface the prayer in this way: "Father, I join my heart, voice, and prayers now with all of my brothers and sisters in the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ".
This prayer is drawn directly from the events described in Acts 4:23-31. The gathered disciples prayed this prayer together after the apostles Peter and John had been imprisoned, warned, and then released by the priests and Sadducees. The original text is given below. For the purposes of this prayer, the details of the prayer have been adjusted to reflect our contemporary context.
Acts 4:23-31 (NASB)
23. When they had been released, they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them.
24. And when they heard this, they lifted their voices to God with one accord and said, “O Lord, it is You who MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA, AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM,
25. who by the Holy Spirit, through the mouth of our father David Your servant, said,
27. “For truly in this city there were gathered together against Your holy servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel,
28. to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose predestined to occur.
29. “And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence,
30. while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.”
31. And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness.

Thursday Sep 27, 2018
BIBLICAL WARFARE PRAYERS: The Prayer of Hezekiah -- and the Lord's Response!
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating.
Isaiah 37:14-29
When Jerusalem was besieged by King Sennacherib of Assyria, his envoys conveyed a message of mockery and disdain against the God of Jacob. Hezekiah brought the matter before the Lord, and prayed for deliverance. The Lord answered Hezekiah's prayer and saved Israel from Sennacherib, even ultimately sending an angel to single-handedly slaughter 185,000 Assyrian troops. Not long after that, Sennacherib was assassinated by two of his own sons.
This episode presents the prayer which Hezekiah prayed to the Lord, and also the Lord's response as it was communicated through the prophet Isaiah. The wording has been adapted for a more general spiritual warfare context, making this prayer a declaration of war against the reprobate mockers of the present time.
Many of the major figures in the Old Testament prayed prayers -- some longer, some shorter -- which have been recorded in the scriptures both as examples for us and for our use directly. These powerful prayers bring both praise and supplication before the Lord, His holiness and His judgments against the wicked and the proud. It is well worth the time to learn and to pray these prayers, to speak against the kingdom of darkness that the Lord Jesus Christ is seated, victorious, upon His sovereign throne.

Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating.
Many of the major figures in the Old Testament prayed prayers -- some longer, some shorter -- which have been recorded in the scriptures both as examples for us and for our use directly.
These powerful prayers bring both praise and supplication before the Lord, His holiness and His judgments against the wicked and the proud.
It is well worth the time to learn and to pray these prayers, to speak against the kingdom of darkness that the Lord Jesus Christ is seated, victorious, upon His sovereign throne.
Hannah's Song of Thanksgiving
1 Samuel 2:1-10 (NASB)
My heart exults in the Lord; My horn is exalted in the Lord,
My mouth speaks boldly against my enemies, Because I rejoice in Your salvation.
There is no one holy like the Lord, Indeed, there is no one besides You,
Nor is there any rock like our God.
Boast no more so very proudly, Do not let arrogance come out of your mouth;
For the Lord is a God of knowledge, And with Him actions are weighed.
The bows of the mighty are shattered, But the feeble gird on strength.
Those who were full hire themselves out for bread,
But those who were hungry cease to hunger.
Even the barren gives birth to seven, But she who has many children languishes.
The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to Sheol and raises up.
The Lord makes poor and rich; He brings low, He also exalts.
He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the ash heap
To make them sit with nobles, And inherit a seat of honor;
For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, And He set the world on them.
He keeps the feet of His godly ones, But the wicked ones are silenced in darkness;
For not by might shall a man prevail.
Those who contend with the Lord will be shattered;
Against them He will thunder in the heavens, The Lord will judge the ends of the earth;
And He will give strength to His king, And will exalt the horn of His anointed.

Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
HEAR THE HOLY SPIRIT: Scriptures Containing the Greek Word "οὐκέτι"
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing.
The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of scripture verses containing the Greek word "οὐκέτι".
Some of the most powerful promises in the Bible are made by use of this word.
"οὐκέτι", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously:
1. no more: a ceasing after a certain point
2. no longer
3. not any more
4. no further
This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. It is our hope that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures.
Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew.
Some of the language has been slightly adjusted in order to make the context and meaning of each verse as intelligible as possible. Not ALL of the verses containing "οὐκέτι" have been included here, but the majority have.
Due to the source from which the verses were extracted, most of the verses are phrased according to the American Standard Version (ASV), or the Revised Version (RV).
Text source: Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here:

Friday Sep 21, 2018
Friday Sep 21, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating.
This short prayer is appropriate for guiding and strengthening families, and especially children, especially as there is great pressure to participate in spiritually defiling seasonal rituals.
It is only September at the time of the publication of this prayer, but already the stores and other marketing locations are filling up with the grotesquerie of the most black and wicked phase of the "holiday season", Halloween. This is a time when ugliness and fear are magnified, and treated as things of delight and fun, when they are in reality a terrible deception aimed at creating ungodly terror in persons young and old. Over the past several decades, the general public celebration of this dark "holiday" episode has become increasingly bloody, violent, sickening, sexualized, and outright satanic. Halloween, and its symbols and rituals, has no place in the lives and households of Christians.
Prayer Text:
Father God, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I renounce any involvement I have had with this pagan holiday known as "halloween". I also renounce any involvement that my forefathers might have had with Halloween, and by renouncing it, I cancel all the worship that Satan received through their involvement. I give Satan this notice, that I will not be involved in things that represent him or his works, and I choose to do that which represents my Lord Jesus Christ only.
Dear Jesus, you suffered and died so that we might live in you. We ask you to turn this season of death to one of life in the Spirit. We ask that as we sow the Word of God into our own hearts and into the body of Jesus Christ that we would receive a harvest of one hundred-fold blessings, and an increase in the number of souls coming into the Kingdom of God, so that the darkness of the devil's Halloween would be reversed into a time of glory and praise to you. We pray all these things with joyful expectation, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org
Text source: Prayer - Renouncing Halloween
The Druidism Root and Its Fruits, p.73

Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating.
PRONUNCIATION NOTE: We have opted for simpler pronunciations of the names in this prayer. The original spellings and pronunciations are Gaelic and/or Welsh, so in order to make the prayer easier to hear and follow, we have not attempted to replicate the native sounds but have rather used a comparatively straightforward phonetic reading.
EXPLANATORY NOTES: If you have ancestry coming from any of the following locations, we recommend that you also pray the Renunciation of Druidism prayer, since there is a real possibility that you have had Druid associations somewhere along your bloodline:
England Scotland Ireland Wales France Holland
Belgium Germany Austria Eastern Europe Macedonia
WHY is this renunciation of DRUIDISM being offered here, as pertaining to HALLOWEEN? Author Amanda Buys has this (and much more) to say about the intimate historical and spiritual connections between Druidism and Halloween:
"To pray against Halloween, you have to find the root of Halloween, which is in Druidism. Therefore, understanding Druids, and the Ancient Religion they practiced, is to understand Halloween and what you are battling against.
"Halloween is also known as Samhain, Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas (Celtic/Scottish). Many religions have ceremonies relating to Halloween – the Druidic and Shamanic roots are seen today in Pagans, Wiccans, Satanists, New Age believers. and various other occultic religions all celebrate on 'Halloween' what was originally a Druidic or Shamanistic festival. The Druidic New Year began at Samhain - named for the primeval Lord of the Dead, Samana. Samhain is the Witches' New Year, representing one full turn of the seasonal year. Halloween is the last of the three Pagan harvest Sabbaths marking the end of the growing seasons.
"Druids held the ceremonies in 'sacred' places, such as groves of trees, especially oak trees. Druidic human sacrifices were part of these ceremonies.
"Satanists have adopted the Druidic High Days and as such celebrate Halloween as follows (blood and sex rituals with demons, and animal or human sacrifices, are conducted during this season):
• 22-29 October Satanists start Sacrifice preparation
• 30 October Satanic High Day – related to Halloween with human sacrifice
• 31 October All Hallow’s Eve / Halloween
"Traditional Halloween symbols appeared in the U.S. during the late 1800's: witches, black cats, 'death's heads' cut from pumpkins, candles, and masks. Pranks and 'trick-or-treating were implemented to mimic the revenge that demons, foul creatures, and Druids themselves would wreak on those who refused to honor the Druids with money and gifts during this season.
"The uninformed Christian has no idea that there truly are demonic spirits that are contacted and activated as people call out to them in jest or in seriousness. Every act around Halloween is in honor of false gods, which are spirits in the realm of the Satanic.
"Halloween has gone by various names but all of them have been tributes to the same dark force, Satan. There is no place in the life of the Church, or the Christian, for such participation."
Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org
Text source: Prayer - Generational Druidism
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT DRUIDISM, as well as further renunciation prayers, we recommend the FREE downloadable text of "The Druidism Root and Its Fruits", available here:

Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
WARFARE PRAYER: Against Halloween
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating.
It is only September at the time of the publication of this prayer, but already the stores and other marketing locations are filling up with the grotesquerie of the most black and wicked phase of the "holiday season", Halloween. This is a time when ugliness and fear are magnified, and treated as things of delight and fun, when they are in reality a terrible deception aimed at creating ungodly terror in persons young and old.
Over the preceding several decades, the general public celebration of this dark "holiday" episode has become increasingly bloody, violent, sickening, sexualized, and outright satanic.
If you have ancestry coming from any of the following locations, we recommend that you also pray the Renunciation of Druidism prayer, since there is a real possibility that you have had Druid associations somewhere along your bloodline:
England Scotland Ireland Wales France Holland
Belgium Germany Austria Eastern Europe Macedonia
The Renunciation of Druidism will be published soon, as an accompaniment to this general anti-"Halloween" prayer.
May the Lord protect you and your loved ones during this season and in the seasons to come.
Author: Peter Johnson
Keys to the Kingdom Deliverance Ministry
Text source:
Warfare Prayer Against Halloween
Read the rest of this entry »
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, first for listening, agreeing, and praying.
This prayer is based closely on the book of Lamentations, chapter 3. But where Lamentations tells of the travails of Israel as they suffered punishment for their rebellion against God, this prayer describes the cry of an individual believer who is experiencing the just and righteous chastisement of the Lord.
The struggle against besetting sin can be a long and vicious wrestling match. The believer who relapses into sin, because of the overwhelming force of the enemy, must at one and the same time never lose their determination to repent, keeping faith in the Word and the sovereignty of God, but keep in mind that true seekers of God from the beginning of the world have suffered from these same failures and doubts.
Heaviness, affliction and sorrow, because of sinful failure, are in fact causes for hope and not for despair.
HEBREWS 12:5-13:
5. My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
6. For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.
7. If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?
8. But if you are WITHOUT chastening -- of which ALL have become partakers -- then you are bastards and not sons.
9. Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live?
10. For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He chastens us for our good, that we may be partakers of His holiness.
11. Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been corrected by it.
The first and foremost message preached by all of the prophets, including John the Baptizer and Jesus Christ himself, was and is "Repent". There are times when the Lord allows us to be confronted by the fathomless wickedness of our own hearts; but that is not to send us into despair, but to drive us TO him, to the one who alone can save and has saved us from our deserved destruction.

Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating.
This prayer is a composite of portions of each of the Psalms ranging from 38 to 42.
The struggle against besetting sin can be a particularly long and vicious struggle, sometimes spanning an entire lifetime, and often even more so for those who have suffered through the terrors of sexual and emotional abuse, ritual abuse, strong manipulation, mind control, and deep involvement in the dark arts of magic and sorcery.
The believer who relapses into sin, because of the overwhelming force of the enemy, must at one and the same time never lose their determination to repent, keeping faith in the Word and the sovereignty of God, but also ever keep in mind that not only have true seekers of God from the beginning of the world suffered from these same afflictions of temptation, failure, guilt, doubt, and despair, but their failures and their feelings are spoken of in clear and certain terms in the scriptures.
There is almost nothing more wretched and painful than to be a believer who has relapsed into besetting and recurring sins, especially where the reality of demonic presence and oppression is altogether discernible within that field of struggle. The enemy is merciless in their mockings, accusations, condemnations, and declarations of damnation, in threatening complete failure and the loss of salvation in Jesus Christ.
This prayer describes the cry of bitter pain and dread, as given to us by the Word of God, when a believer has been worn out, beaten up, falling backwards or down, even to the point of wondering if they have been abandoned by God. Any believer suffering in this state must keep in mind not only the Psalms included in this prayer, but also these:
James 1
2. My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
3. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
4. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
Hebrews 10
15. And the Holy Spirit also testifies to us; for after saying,
16. This is the covenant that I shall make with them after those days, says Yahweh: I shall put My laws upon their heart, and on their mind I shall write them,
17. And their sins and their iniquities I shall remember no more.
31. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
32. But remember the former days, in which, after being enlightened, you endured a great conflict of sufferings, partly while you were made both by reproaches and tribulations, and partly while you become companions of them that were so used.

Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing.
It is hoped that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures.
The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of scriptures containing the Greek word "εξουσία" ("exousia").
"εξουσία", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously:
1. authority; the right to do something
2. jurisdiction
3. dominion
4. power
5. strength
6. liberty
This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew.
Due to the source from which the verses were extracted, most of the verses are phrased according to the American Standard Version (ASV), or the Revised Version (RV); others are based on the KJV.
Some of the language has been slightly adjusted in order to make the context and meaning of each verse as intelligible as possible. Not ALL of the verses containing "εξουσία" have been included here, but the majority have.
Text source: *Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here.