
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: Due to length, this prayer has been recorded ONCE, for agreeing and repeating.
The text used for this recording is included below. The original prayer was designed for persons seeking to renounce a particular cultic organization in South Africa, but we have here adapted the language for more general use. A separate portion dealing with marriage has not been included here. We recommend that you read or otherwise download and refer to the FREE PDF BOOKLET giving the full content and background, via the link at the bottom of this page.
Deliverance minister and author Amanda Buys has stated, "These prayers have been written according to personal opinions and convictions, which are gathered from many counseling sessions and our interpretation of the Word of GOD, the Bible. In no way have these prayers been written to discriminate against any persons, churches, organizations, and/or political parties.... What does it mean to renounce something? To renounce means to speak of one’s self. If something has been renounced it has been rejected, cut off, or the individual is refusing to follow or obey. Other words that fit with the subject of renunciations include refuse, repudiate, and resist. It is a joy to realize that by the act of our repentance, we can appropriate the finished work of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus). His shed Blood reverses all curses... We have seen the effect in so many people’s lives of confessing, repenting, and turning away from the idolatry and demonic covenants that have permeated their very existence.... To confess involvement, the prayer is read out loud, preferably with one or more witnesses present, as well as with a trained counselor... The counselor now comes in agreement with the individual and conducts spiritual warfare against the kingdom of darkness as the Holy Spirit leads to deal with each one of the elements that is contained in the prayer... These prayers are however only a guideline. If there are concepts or sections that the Holy Spirit highlights for you as you pray, then we encourage you to address these, and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you on how to bring the breakthrough".
PRAYER OF RENUNCIATION: False Apostles, Teachers, and Religion
FATHER, I come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and confess that Jesus is my Lord and Master. His Blood has set me free. His life is within me and I am a child of God.
I renounce my belief in the false church, and the apostle, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, elders, priests and assistant deacons.
I renounce the baptism by the sprinkling of water unto repentance, the holy communion through which I receive forgiveness of sin and the holy seal confirmed through the laying on of hands by the apostle.
I renounce the ministering of the three holy sacraments to the souls of the dead on behalf of the dead by the living.
I renounce membership as a "soul bride".
I renounce the forgiveness of sin spoken over me by the apostle.
I renounce every “holy communion” partaken in that could only be served by the apostle.
I renounce any recognition/authority given to the apostle to administer God's will and grace.
I renounce the teachings of the apostle.
I renounce that I have submitted myself in word and deed to the powers/ authority in the congregation.
I renounce the acceptance of the sign of the “Holy Cross” on my forehead and chest, any guardian angel, the opening of the third eye or any ungodly access to the spirit dimension.
I renounce any acknowledgement given to the apostle to administer the grace of God.
I renounce any false baptism in holy fire.
I renounce the power the apostle has to make someone die. I cancel any words or deeds he performed over any of my loved ones or myself, in Jesus’ Name.
I renounce the power I received to curse others.
I renounce the “gift” I have to send evil spirits to those who are not interested in the church.
I renounce the apostle’s authority to state that if I leave the church I forsake God.
I renounce the power of the people in the church who state that they can curse my house and declare accidents and poverty over my family.
I renounce my parents as my “saviours" and any promise I made as "saviour" of my own children.
I renounce the oath that my parents must bring me blameless and spotless before God and any similar promise I made as parent, so that the Blood of Jesus is ignored.
I renounce any promise made to raise my children according to the will of God as announced by the apostle and if I myself were raised that way.
I renounce any laying on of hands by any apostle.
I renounce the false teaching of baptismal sprinkling for conversion, the cleansing of the heart as well as the baptism in the Holy Spirit and with fire in order to become a child and heir of God. (Since infants cannot and do not understand).
I renounce every “shepherd” of my soul in the congregation in authority over me.
I renounce the holy covenant I made when I accepted responsibility as member of the congregation. I cancel out the witnesses against me as well as the act of sealing my confirmation with the Holy Communion.
I renounce that I am one of the 144,000 "chosen ones" of God and that the teachings of the false church is the only way to obtain eternal life.
I renounce having perseverance in the teachings of the apostle.
I renounce being dedicated to Jerusalem, mother of us all in the spirit. (She is recognized to bring forth rebirth to blessed souls. Through fulfilling her covenant with God, many souls receive the mark of the Lamb and are thus redeemed.)
I renounce that I receive a larger blessing if I am at all times in my place (active) in the church.
I renounce any prayer for the dead. (Egyptian rituals)
I renounce the authority of the apostle being the only one with the power to send my soul to the everlasting rest or to Hell.
I renounce that it is possible to communicate with the deceased before the funeral and that the deceased can prophesy through another person and give messages. (This is clearly forbidden in the Word.)
I renounce the apostle as teacher, mediator and ambassador. (To judge you!)
I renounce my belief in the apostle as the one who has the keys of the Kingdom and his authority to either open or lock the kingdom to whomever he chooses.
I renounce my faith in the apostle as the light to the nations and that only he can preach the Gospel.
I renounce my faith in the apostle that he is the only way to see the Father or Christ.
I renounce the apostle as mediator (in Jesus’ place).
I renounce the doctrine that states heaven is a place of tranquility, blessedness and peace and that I will only enjoy it if I humble myself and become as a child in the house of the Lord. (Such a child is an angel in heaven and every day sees the face of the Father who is in Heaven!)
I renounce any form of worship of man or the apostle.
I renounce the denial of the second coming of Christ and that it is taught that He has already come.
I renounce my belief in the apostle that power was given to him to judge. I break every curse spoken by him, in the Name of Jesus.
I renounce the foundation that the apostle laid in me and I break the seal of his apostleship over me in the Name of Jesus the Messiah.
I renounce the lie that infant baptism is a process through which the soul is built up and nourished.
I renounce the sacrament of the “holy seal” through which God locks away my unrighteousness.
I renounce the right of the apostle to have given me the Holy Spirit.
I renounce the ability of the apostle to seal a baby (a baby is too small to understand). I renounce the lie that the parents are responsible for the child’s sins and that the father will be punished if the child is not raised in the teachings of the church.
I renounce any evil spirit of demonic insight and clarification I received by the laying on of hands by the apostle.
I renounce the foundation laid firm with this seal on my forehead as well as the curse that I will go to hell without this seal.
In the Name of Jesus I break every demonic seal that has been placed upon my family and me. I bind every demon assigned to this seal and command you to go to the Feet of Jesus. I cut myself free from every power and principality that has been assigned over my family and me and I destroy every demonic altar speaking against us with the Fire of God!
Thank You Abba Father that You now set me free. Thank You that there is only One Mediator, namely Jesus the Messiah. Thank You for the Blood of Jesus that cleanses me.
Thank You for the Sword of the Spirit that now severs me from the false church.
I praise Your Name for the Truth that sets men free!
Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org
Text source: Prayers of Renunciation: OLD/NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH, p.30-34

Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing.
This short episode is a reading of verses, in the book of Psalms only, containing the Greek word "ὄνομα" (on'-om-ah), which means "name".
"ὄνομα", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously:
1. name
2. character
3. reputation
This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. It is our hope that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures.
Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew.
Not ALL of the verses containing "ὄνομα" have been included here. The following considerations have been made in choosing verses:
1. Only passages containing the GREEK word "ὄνομα" have been included. This means that there may be passages in the HEBREW sources or ENGLISH translations which use such words or phrases effectively signifying "name", "fame", etc., but which are not given as "ὄνομα" in the Greek texts, and so are not included.
2. Some verses have been omitted due to the fact that the context would require a longer, perhaps unclear, citation.
Translations have mainly been drawn from the ASV, KJV, NASB, ESV, and Brenton Septuagint.
Text source: Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here:

Thursday Feb 14, 2019
PSALM 58: A Battle Cry Against False Gods and Evil Men (repeating version)
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating.
Psalm 58 (ESV)
Do you indeed decree what is right, you gods?
Do you judge the children of man uprightly?
No, in your hearts you devise wrongs;
your hands deal out violence on earth.
The wicked are estranged from the womb;
they go astray from birth, speaking lies.
They have venom like the venom of a serpent,
like the deaf adder that stops its ear,
so that it does not hear the voice of charmers
or of the cunning enchanter.
O God, break the teeth in their mouths;
tear out the fangs of the young lions, O LORD!
Let them vanish like water that runs away;
when he aims his arrows, let them be blunted.
Let them be like the snail that dissolves into slime,
like the stillborn child who never sees the sun.
Sooner than your pots can feel the heat of thorns,
whether green or ablaze, may he sweep them away!c
The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance;
he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked.
Mankind will say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous;
surely there is a God who judges on earth.”

Thursday Feb 14, 2019
PSALM 58: A Battle Cry Against False Gods and Evil Men (listening version)
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. For the REPEATING version, please see the next episode.
Psalm 58 (ESV)
Do you indeed decree what is right, you gods?
Do you judge the children of man uprightly?
No, in your hearts you devise wrongs;
your hands deal out violence on earth.
The wicked are estranged from the womb;
they go astray from birth, speaking lies.
They have venom like the venom of a serpent,
like the deaf adder that stops its ear,
so that it does not hear the voice of charmers
or of the cunning enchanter.
O God, break the teeth in their mouths;
tear out the fangs of the young lions, O LORD!
Let them vanish like water that runs away;
when he aims his arrows, let them be blunted.
Let them be like the snail that dissolves into slime,
like the stillborn child who never sees the sun.
Sooner than your pots can feel the heat of thorns,
whether green or ablaze, may he sweep them away!c
The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance;
he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked.
Mankind will say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous;
surely there is a God who judges on earth.”

Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating.
Deliverance ministry veteran Scott Hensler recommends this form of prayer prior to any deliverance session, or any prayer session where spiritual warfare is expected.
We recommend that you visit Scott's website for further prayers and deliverance information, and to order his valuable deliverance manuals. Scott also hosts a frequent online radio show, The Scott Hensler Show, which covers a very wide range of critical topics, from science to society, all from the Christian spiritual warfare perspective (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/scott_hensler_show).
You will also find some of Scott's material through THIS podcast, in these earlier episodes:
Selected Readings Part 2: Blessings and Curses, by Scott E. Hensler
Selected Readings Part 3: Breaking Curses, by Scott E. Hensler
Selected Readings Part 4: The Kundalini Spirit, by Scott E. Hensler
Selected Readings Part 5: Witchcraft and Spiritual Death, by Scott E. Hensler
Deliverance Focus: The Oaths, Curses, and Spirits of Masonry (brief version)
Deliverance Focus: The Oaths, Curses, and Spirits of Masonry (FULL-LENGTH VERSION)
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I call on the angels of your choice to battle in the spirit for me to protect me and place a hedge of protection around me and my loved ones right now. Allow them to encamp around me and to stop all assignments of the enemy. I will not tolerate any demonic retaliation against me or my loved ones, ambushment or sabotage of my prayers. Any attempt to stop me or block me will be dealt with by the Holy Spirit! Father God, if I have any unrepented sin please bring it before me so I may acknowledge it and lay it at the cross. I forgive anyone who has harmed me or tried to bring destruction in my life. I surrender them over to you and asked that you bless them in the name of Jesus Christ. Right now, Jesus, every demon within the sound of my voice I call to judgment, bind and render them to no affect. I forbid any demonic forces from assisting and cooperating with each other. I forbid any demonic forces from communication to each other and calling on others for assistance. I isolate them making them deaf and dumb with no demonic power and cripple them from their abilities to fight back. Any demonic spirits that disobey this command I call to torment and call for the angels of the Lord to escort them to the pit. Father, I recognize you as the God of the universe, the God of the Bible and your Son Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I acknowledge the Holy Spirit who enables your power to work through me. I will not accept any other powers, only your power, Father God. Thank you for what you have done in my past, what you are doing now and what you will do in my future. Thank you for your Son, who gives this ability, because of His willful sacrifice on the cross to pay for my sins. Father, I know that without you I am nothing, and this is all by you, through you, for you, and for your glory. I am open to be your instrument to fight against the evil that you so hate so much, that has come here to destroy man whom you made in your image. Thank you for this opportunity, and may you direct me and guide me in the name of Jesus Christ, as I pray right now!
Amen, and amen.
Author: Scott E. Hensler www.scotthensler.org
Text source: Second Heaven Invasion
"Spiritual Warfare Prayer"* (Chapter 16)
Second Heaven Invasion Spirit Realm Series -Volume II Reference Manual for End of Days Stop, learn, counter and destroy demonic opposition! First Edition By Scott E. Hensler
*used by permission. Copyright © 2012 Scott Hensler Network Ministries. All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted by any means without written permission from Scott Hensler Network Ministries.

Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This prayer of renunciation has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and repeating.
First: We STRONGLY recommended that you listen to the preceding episode, "Why a Christian Alternative to Yoga?", in order to understand more fully what yoga is truly about.
We recommend, furthermore, that you download and read the through free booklet, "Prayers of Renunciation -- Eastern", prior to engaging the renunciation of anything associated with Eastern spiritual involvements.
Second: This prayer is presented here for personal use in rejecting, renouncing, and repenting for any and all levels of involvement in yoga. For some, this may be a sufficient major step -- maybe even a complete step -- towards deliverance from yoga.
However, for others, this may be only the important FIRST step. THERE MAY BE, FOR OTHERS, MORE YET TO BE DONE. It cannot be emphasized enough that involvement in yoga is a very serious matter. Yoga is a powerfully affecting form of spiritual witchcraft and the consequences of yogic practice may range from seemingly trivial effects to major demonic strongholds and influence. The evil spirits which, through yoga, are invited into one's life may range from the comparatively small and weak, to viciously strong and difficult to confront and dislodge. Certain spirits connected to Eastern religious practices have a wide set of influential power, and they are notorious not only for being capable of hiding in areas of the human body, but also in masking themselves as spirits seemingly completely disconnected from yoga. These spirits are able, in many cases, to locate, latch onto, and amplify some of the worst weaknesses and tendencies in individual persons: pride; lust; addiction; laziness; obsession; and so forth. Confronting Eastern spirits may produce a pushback from spirits who still have a right to affect a person because of hidden and/or unconfessed sin.
Therefore, if you are going to pray this prayer, it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY that you set your heart to see the deliverance process through to its end -- AND THAT MAY TAKE TIME TO GET THROUGH. You will need to decide to TRUST in the authority and power of Jesus Christ, NO MATTER WHAT. The step of renouncing and repenting may cause some things to fall away but BRING HIDDEN THINGS TO LIGHT. Shaking up the Kundalini playground, and casting some of these spirits out, for instance, will produce a large power vacuum that must immediately be filled by the Word and Holy Spirit of God. Do not be surprised if you find yourself dealing with spiritual challenges you were never aware of prior to renouncing yoga. DON'T FEAR, but BE READY in Jesus Christ to deal with hidden sin, hidden weaknesses, and hidden demonic strongholds. We already have THE VICTORY in Jesus -- but it may take some real perseverance in striving to walk your deliverance all the way through.
It is not recommended to pray this prayer lightly, casually, or with the foolish presumption that once will be enough. Set your heart upon the Lord and seek His guidance and strength.
This prayer covers:
1. Renouncing each of the eight stages of yogic progress, with their core beliefs and practices
2. Renouncing all essential and associated spiritual dogma and doctrines
3. Confession of the Lordship of Jesus Christ, our sole Saviour and Redeemer from sin, death, and hell
4. Submission to the only Righteous God
Author: Amanda Buys
Text source: Prayers of Renunciation -- Eastern (p.11-15)

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
The Truth About "Christian Yoga" -- and Finding a Truly Christian Alternative
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
This episode features sections of the webpage "Why a Christian Alternative to Yoga?", written and collated by former long-time yoga practitioner and instructor, Laurette Willis, who has now developed PraiseMoves, a truly Christian alternative to the soul-destroying forces of the spiritual system known as "yoga".
We recommend that you carefully read through the article of the same title, along with its accompanying articles and materials, at the link provided below; or else download this free article in PDF format here: http://www.praisemoves.com/calt.pdf.
The following items are addressed in this instructive episode:
1. the increasing influence of yoga in mainstream culture
2. necessary christian concerns about yoga
3. how yoga draws people in and leads them into darkness
4. what hindus -- and especially their spiritual leaders -- state emphatically about the root, essence, intent, focus, and fruits of yoga
5. YOGA's explicit role as a hindu "missionary" program
6. what the bible says about yoga and similar arts
7. the institution of yoga into children's school programs
8. the true origins of "christian yoga"
9. what disciples of jesus christ must know and do
Laurette Willis is the developer of PraiseMoves, a Christian stretching program specifically based upon historical scriptural features and elements. The PraiseMoves website provides the following information, and much more, about this truly CHRISTIAN ALTERNATIVE to yoga:
"PraiseMoves postures are integrated with corresponding Bible scriptures. For example, during a posture named 'The Altar' we consider the scripture from Romans 12:1: 'I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.'
"Dr. Steven J. Scafidi, a chiropractor in New Jersey writes, 'I have been experiencing terrific results using PraiseMoves and have been recommending it to my patients. I am thankful to Laurette for a program that combines Christ-centered worship with the physical benefits often attributed to yoga.'
"There are several PraiseMoves DVDs, and we are blessed to train people interested in becoming Certified PraiseMoves Instructors, starting their own Fitness Ministry to bring this Christian alternative to churches, gyms, health clubs and recreation centers across the U.S., Canada, in Europe, South Africa and Australia.
"Holly Robaina, in article entitled 'Take a Pass on Yoga' on ChristianityToday.com does a marvelous job explaining the dangers of yoga, so-called “Christian yoga” and how PraiseMoves is DEFINITELY DIFFERENT."
Read that article here: https://praisemoves.com/articles/christian-yoga
Author: Laurette Willis www.praisemoves.com
Text source: Why A Christian ALTERNATIVE to Yoga?

Thursday Jan 24, 2019
DELIVERANCE FOCUS: Breaking the Many Curses Incurred by Bone Magic
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: Due to length, this prayer has been recorded ONCE, for agreeing and repeating.
This prayer is recommended to all disciples of Jesus Christ. These things are important to spiritual warfare against curses on bloodlines, because of ancestral practices both known and UNKNOWN, as well as terrible land curses which have been incurred all over the world due to bone-based witchcraft and corresponding bloodshed.
This prayer covers:
1. Asking for help from the Holy Spirit, in understanding and repenting for this manner of witchcraft
2. Repentance for cultural, religious, bloodline, family, and personal worship of false gods, and for human and animal relic worship and magic.
3. Breaking the curses of Accidents, Rejection, Degenerative and Inflammatory Affliction, Apollyon / Abaddon, Shadow of Death, Death and Hell, and Fear of Losing Salvation
4. Loosing the harvest bounty which is part of the inheritance of those who have Life in Jesus Christ.
Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org
Text source: Prayer - Death, the Grave, and Hell, p.27-34

Thursday Jan 24, 2019
DELIVERANCE TOPIC: The Terrible Power and Curses of Bone Magic
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
This episode features the content section of "PRAYER: Death, the Grave, and Hell", a deliverance overview and prayer booklet written by Amanda Buys, a South Africa-based veteran of deliverance ministry. We recommend that you download the free PDF booklet and read it carefully.
Deliverance prayer against bone magic and curses is provided by the episode following this one.
The ground covered here includes general scriptural address of bones, as well as certain forms of bone magic. These things are important to spiritual warfare against curses on bloodlines because of ancestral practices, as well as terrible land curses which have been incurred all over the world due to bone-based witchcraft.
The following items are addressed in this instructive episode:
1. The Biblical truth about bones
2. Some factors which produce unhealthy bones
3. Some factors which produce healthy bones
4. Babylonian roots, and Roman Catholicism
6. African and other witchcraft traditions
7. Bone Magicians: Secrets of the Bone-Magi
8. Consequences of Demonic Covenants with Bones
9. GOD will scatter the bones!
Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org
Text source: Prayer - Death, the Grave, and Hell, p.12-25

Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
HEAR THE HOLY SPIRIT: Scriptures Containing the Greek Word "οὐαί" ("Woe!")
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing.
The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of scripture verses containing the Greek word "οὐαί".
Some of the most important warnings in the Bible are made by use of this word.
"οὐαί", by meaning and in translation, indicates generally "Woe!" or "Alas!" For this episode, we have selected verses announcing WOE, which is the uttering of divine denunciation.
This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. It is our hope that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures.
Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew.
Some of the language may have been slightly adjusted in order to make the context and meaning of each verse as intelligible as possible.
Translations used: KJV, ESV, NASB, ASV, BRENTON
Text source: Not all verses containing "οὐαί" have been included here, but those presented in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here: